My Supports

The term support refers to someone/something that helps keep the integrity of something else.  It upholds them especially during tough times.   A support can be encouragement, financial, motivational or physical.  My everyday supports are my immediate family, my boyfriend, my associates, and my Walden family. My immediate family members are supports that are there for me in every way.  They encourage me to keep going when life throws a hard hit, they assist me financially, and they motivate me to keep going to reach my goals so that I can be a part in their betterment as well.  They celebrate with me when I have a successful moment.  They cry with me when there is a failure, but they also play are part in my rising to meet the next challenge.  My family is people that I really depend upon.  If I were to lose one of them it would be like a part of me is missing. 

My boyfriend is a trooper.  He supports me in all that I put my mind to doing.   He encourages me and tells me that he is my number one cheerleader.  He supports me in my quest for education and my business desires.  He is someone that I can talk to about anything.  He also supports me by helping me take care of my physical body-making sure I eat right, take my medicine, and exercise.  He is such a supportive person and if I didn’t have him in my life I think I would be unhappy.  He means so much to me and just being in his presence can make my day brighter.

My friends support me by encouraging me and being inspiring.  I receive messages that uplift me in times that I might be feeling a little down.  They are financial supports at times and motivators to keep me pressing on to the finish line.  They are my prayer warriors that will pray for me in the middle of the night or that will stop everything if I call and need prayer.  If my friends were not there for me I would really be sad.  I don’t totally depend on them or their prayers but they do make a difference in my life. 

My Walden family of counselors, instructors, and colleagues are supportive in my quest toward mastery.  I received motivational support from my admissions counselor that caused me to enroll in the program.  She made me believe in myself and that I had the makings of a graduate student.  Each instructor has motivated me with their comments and critiques of completed assignments.  My colleagues motivate me weekly with their comments on my posts and blogs.  Sometimes I feel like I have not explained things correctly but the supportive comments of my Walden family keeps me motivated and encouraged.  If they were not in my life; I don’t think I would have the confidence to continue this program.  It’s encouraging to hear that other professionals value what you have written.

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