"We know that teachers are the key to good child care -
and as long as teachers are undervalued, American children, too, will keep
getting less than they deserve"
Marcy Whitebook. (1992, May 19).
Child-Care Workers Deserve A Raise Well-Trained Employees Are Leaving The
Field In Droves :[5* Edition]. St. Louis Post - Dispatch (pre-1997
Fulltext),p. 3B. Retrieved September 24, 2012, from Walden University Library ProQuest Central.
“Right now in
child care the 3 million people who take care of children for a
living--probably a million and a half of them will look for other jobs this
year, and that's terrible. But they're not leaving because they don't know how
to do a good job, or they don't want to stay in child care. They're leaving
because they can't make a living wage for their own family. The average child
care wage is about $6.89 an hour. People don't have health benefits; they can't
afford child care, themselves. They don't get paid vacations. And we need to do
something to improve those jobs. And I think if we do that, then we'll be able
to create the kind of care that we know is good for children. And I don't think
anybody in the child care community wants to see children in situations where
they can't form attachments to child care workers.”
PBS Online Newshour.
Bringing up Baby. October 23,
1997 Newshour Transcript Retrived on September 24, 2012 from http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/youth/july-dec97/care_10-23.html
Janine this is so true. Child care is a professional that many times does not offer health benfits and educators are no paid much which leads to a constant staff turnover in programs.