Saturday, July 20, 2013

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

When we can identify and respect our culture for what it really is; we will not want to be like anybody else.  We will have pride in  who we are!  As we respect the culture of other, we help them to respect and accept who they are and discourage them to change into a person that is acceptable in our eyes.  

For this Blog post I am highlighting the definitions of culture and diversity that I received from some friends.  Most of these definitions just focus on the surface of culture without identifying the deep characteristics of culture.  Some of the definitions of diversity did not come close to being the correct definitions.  “Culture is complex, consisting of easily recognizable elements, as well as more hidden yet equally powerful factors” (Laureate, 2011) and as I found out, is defined differently by each person.  I asked four of my acquaintances to define culture and diversity just to provide a sample of the different views of these two terms.

Brian Dunkin (a White, male that lives in Oregon)-“Culture is the way things are done in your region and diversity is being able to do many things in a wide scope (Personal Communication, 2013).
Donna Shands (An African-American woman that lives in Texas)-“My definition of culture is the norms and ideals of the community in which one lives. Diversity is when there is more than one cultural group or ethnicity represented in a group.  (Personal Communication, 2013).

Eqah Igbal (A Woman living in Malaysia)-she provided me with information of their culture and diversity instead of the definitions of the terms.  I have decided to include her answers because our classrooms are so diverse and this information might be of some assistance to one of my colleagues. 
In Malaysia, the majority of the population are ethnic Malay Muslims. And the rest followed by the Chinese and Indian. The festival, which is celebrated every year just like other Muslims. Special about the Malays are in terms of food, music and dance. Food more towards eastern like nasi lemak, roti canai and so on. While the music arrangement is creative ethnic, rhythm Malaysia eg Nirmala song. Dance also is comprised of zapin and dondang sayang.  Malay is also well known for their politeness and courtesy.  We are still using the services of a midwife to the birth in some places. Despite increasingly sophisticated technology, midwife services are still needed for women to abstain as massage.  (Personal Communication, 2013).

The previous three communications took place via the Internet on Facebook.  I have another answer that I received during a training session at the One Goal Summer Conference this week that was hosted in Tampa this week.  My partner for the session was another Walden University student named Maria Broome-Levinus.  We exchanged information about our cultures with each other and shared our delight of meeting each other as Walden University Students pursuing Masters in Early Childhood Studies.  Her definitions of culture and diversity were that culture is “who you are, the combining of your parents traditions and the forming of your own.  Diversity is how we learn based on one family experiences, how I learn as an individual based on my own personal relationship to my family’ (Personal Communication, 2013).

As I reflect on their definitions and notice the different perspectives of their views, I began to form my answers to the very same questions.  Culture is all of the aspects of our lives that make us who we are.  Culture is not just identified by the surface aspects like our race, foods that we eat or clothes that we wear.  Culture is also identified by our language spoken, values we have, who we identify as family, our religion, the gender roles our people play, and even how we show emotions.  Diversity refers to all of the different cultures that are represented in a particular place.  There are so many diverse cultures but when we learn about and respect each other’s cultures we can say that we are truly the United States of America that respects diversity.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your interviewees perspectives on culture and diversity are awesome. I agree that self-awareness will lead to self-respect and build high self-esteem. Having high self-esteem encourages and acceptances of difference and identity. Great post!
