Saturday, October 26, 2013

Appreciation of Others

This week’s post will focus on my appreciation to my colleagues, instructors and my enrollment adviser.  I have come to the end of my core courses on this Road to Mastery.  Wow it’s been a journey but I never would have made it with the encouragement of my colleagues.  Every week of every course was filled with encouraging words and inspiration that enable me to believe in myself and my abilities.  I started off on this Journey to Mastery scared and unsure that I had what it took to be successful at this level of education.  

As every new course started, I always looked for familiar names.  I am ecstatic that there has been at least 5 names that I have seen in every course.  But now I feel bittersweet because I am happy that we have completed our core courses but sad at the same time because I know some of my colleagues will be completing different specialty tracks.

I will like to thank all of the colleagues that I have had the chance to collaborate with in all of my courses.  It is not a matter of time but a matter of quality that matters to me when it comes to my relationship with others.  All of you have been an inspiration and I wish you the best of luck.

I also would like to thank every instructor that I met on this Journey.  You have given me great feedback and encouragement with each comment that was attached to my work.  I also thank you for your support during the tough times that I had throughout this experience.  I wish you the best of luck with each new course that you instruct in the future.

I would also like to thank my enrollment adviser, Donna Shands-Island.  She was the greatest because she encouraged me from the time that I called into the University up until now.  I would email her when I felt like giving up and she would say that I could do it and she did not see me as a failure.  In return, I would inform her of every grade that I received.  I recently sent her a message telling her how proud I was of myself for making it this far. 

I look forward to seeing my colleagues that I have established contacts with in my specialty track of Administration, Leadership and Management.  I also look forward to meeting others at our graduation ceremony when we have all completed our journey.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janinee,
    Happy! The educational journey end is near! This has been a long journey of I'am too tired, but I needed to post my work! SMH I have your e-mail, and hope to hear from you. This is my face book-Tamarah Hibbert Kelly. I wish you all the best in your career. Thank You for being a great colleague. Tamarah
